What to Do if Your Home Builder Refuses to Fix Problems

Hiring a home builder in Horseshoe Bay, TX should not be a stressful experience. This is why our first and most foundational value here at Riverbend Homes is active listening. Over our 25+ years of experience as a family business, we have seen time and time again that when we listen to our clients, team and contractors, we immediately defray many problems that could have occurred. Listening means we all understand each other and work together efficiently for the shared goal – building your luxury home. We are proud to support our clients through every step of their journey, and even prouder of our reputation as the home builder in Horseshoe Bay, TX that makes the process fun.

This is not something every local home builder can claim. So, if you have the misfortune of working with a builder whose work is full of issues and they refuse to fix them, what can you do?

First, know where to start

If a contractor working for a home builder in Horseshoe Bay, TX does a terrible job on any aspect of the project, should you sue the contractor? A recent law, SB 219, states that contractors are not liable for work that they complete due to defective design. So, if the contractor made a mistake but the design they were working from was correct, the contractor is at fault. However, if the contractor’s mistake originated in the design, the contractor is not liable. Also, as per Section 27.003 of the Property Code, Title 4. Actions and Remedies, Chapter 27. Residential Construction Liability), contractors are not liable for damages caused by the negligence of anyone other than the contractor itself, contractor’s agent(s) or the subcontractor of the contractor.

There is a statute of limitation on how long a homeowner has to take action against any home builder in Horseshoe, TX. Inside of that statue there is no remedy allowable for normal wear and tear or deterioration caused by normal use of the home. Nor is there remedy for the normal actions of construction material to shrink, dry and settle. While a cracked foundation due to a faulty design or poor work is actionable, nail pops and normal settling are not.

Next, talk to the home builder in Horseshoe Bay, TX

If your legally actionable complaint is within the statute of limitations, talk to your home builder. Professional home builders that take their clients’ needs seriously should be more than willing to admit to faulty designs, honest mistakes or hiring the wrong subcontractors. That home builder should do everything in their power to remedy the situation by working closely with the client.

If needed, take action

Should the builder not be willing to listen to the client or resolve the issue, the homeowner should seek counsel from a law firm well versed in Texas construction law.

Avoid problems from the outset by working with the best home builder in Horseshoe Bay, TX

The best way to avoid dealing with a home builder that won’t fix problems is to work with the best home builder in Horseshoe Bay, TX. Riverbend Homes is proud of our reputation as the professional, caring, listening home builder that clients can always rely on. We are passionate about making your custom home building dream come true. It’s not just about the end result. It’s about ensuring you are just as engaged and excited about the process as we are, every single step of the way.


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